Personal Finance



Riding the Rate Cut Rollercoaster: How the Stock Market Reacts and What Investors Should Do Now

Riding the Rate Cut Rollercoaster: How the Stock Market Reacts and What Investors Should Do Now

In the wake of the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates, the stock market’s behavior has been an area of intense focus for investors. Historically, rate cuts have had varying impacts on the market depending on the macroeconomic environment, inflation pressures, and market sentiment at the time. Here’s what the data tells us about stock market performance after the Fed slashes interest rates — and what...

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What You Need to Know About Applying for Medicare

What You Need to Know About Applying for Medicare

Turning 65 is a major milestone, both personally and financially. One of the most important changes at this age is becoming eligible for Medicare, the federal health insurance program designed to cover most of your healthcare needs. Understanding how Medicare works is essential for making the right decisions and avoiding costly mistakes. Here are five things you should know as you approach 65 and prepare...

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September is Self-Improvement Month: 4 Ways to Better Your Finances

September is Self-Improvement Month: 4 Ways to Better Your Finances

As the leaves begin to change and a crispness fills the air, September ushers in not just a new season but also an opportunity for personal growth. Recognized by many as Self-Improvement Month, it’s the perfect time to take a step back and evaluate areas in your life that could use a boost—your finances included. Improving your financial health doesn’t have to be daunting. Here...

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5 Steps Investors Should Take After a Data Breach to Protect Their Identity

5 Steps Investors Should Take After a Data Breach to Protect Their Identity

In today’s digital age, data breaches are becoming an increasingly common threat. As investors, protecting your financial information and personal identity is paramount. According to a report by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the number of data breach victims surpassed 1 billion in the first half of 2024 – a 409% increase from the same time period last year! These breaches can lead to...

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Retirement Income: Why Personalization Is Key

Retirement Income: Why Personalization Is Key

When planning for retirement, many people turn to the so-called “rules of thumb” as a guide for how much income they’ll need. One of the most common rules is that you should aim to replace 70% to 80% of your pre-retirement income. While this rule can provide a quick estimate, relying on it too heavily can lead to a retirement plan that doesn’t align with...

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Conduct A Mid-Year Financial Review

Conduct A Mid-Year Financial Review

2024 is halfway over, and now is an excellent time to conduct a mid-year financial review. This proactive step helps you stay on track with your financial goals and allows you to make any necessary adjustments. Here are 7 steps you can take now to review your finances: 1. Review Your Budget Analyze Spending: Examine your expenses for the first half of the year. Identify...

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